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Focus & Scope
About the Journal
Journal Title: Journal of Communication Sciences (JCoS)
ISSN: 2654-8755 (online)
DOI Prefix: Prefix 10.55638 2 by Crossref
Publisher: Communication Sciences Study Program, Universitas Islam Makassar
Frequency: 2 issues per year (April and October)
Journal of Communication Sciences (JCoS) was established in 2018 and is published twice a year; in April and October.
In 2022, the journal had technical difficulties and lost the first three volumes published online; Vol 1, Vol 2, and Vol 3 respectively during the accreditation process. In January 2023 this journal is back online with a new domain and was able to retrieve Vol 4, therefore the volume was back issued.
This journal publishes original academic research on the main topics in communication studies, we welcome academics that would like to contribute to the sub-topic of communication studies including mass media studies, new media studies, film studies, interpersonal communication studies, group communication studies, organization communication studies, political communication studies, public relations studies, etc.